Stories by Ayda Ersoy

How do you handle stress and anxiety? Part 2

If we are the ones creating our own stress and anxiety, and even though we know that it is definitely harmful to us, why do we have such a hard time changing our state? I would actually really love to hear your answer.

How do you handle stress and anxiety?

I can not believe how often I hear the question “how do you handle anxiety?”, which makes me think how many people are suffering from stress and anxieties. Of course, we all have to deal with unusual circumstances and we all respond differently, we each let it affect us individually in different ways.

Her ‘radical’ antic was being in fitness contest

Do you think we live most of our lives in a safe zone? Mostly we are looking for comfort, making sure that we are safe, and looking at the easiest way for everything. And that’s absolutely understandable, and it does seem like a smart approach too. But have you ever thought that if we are always living in our comfort zone then maybe we are missing something?

We can not live without…

Do you know that we all have healing powers? You may think yes, but probably only to a certain degree. I completely agree, although we absolutely can protect ourself and even heal ourself from so many of the health problems that we call dis-ease.

The answer to why we need muscle

If you’ve followed my other articles or videos for a while then you probably know how much passion I have about healthy living as a whole, and making it our lifestyle.

Coronavirus from a different perspective

We are all going through an abnormal life experience at the moment. I’d like to share some different perspectives and maybe start to question some of things that we can learn from this.

Do we need to reconsider the US food guidelines?

I think we all know that many people are dealing with more and more health issues. This is not new information, however what we really do not know is what is causing it, and of course it could be a variety of reasons. However, I would like to share with one of the more obvious ones — even though we often can not clearly see it.