CRITTER: Comeback of the Maui black coral

In 1985 if you walked into a jewelry store in Lahaina Maui the first thing you would see is a big sign saying “we sell the famous Maui black coral necklace.”

CRITTER: What is killing our corals in Kaua‘i?

In 2010, I took my first boat ride down the magical Na Pali Coast and stopped at Nualolo Bay to snorkel. The water was crystal clear and the corals were just stunning. Huge mound and pork chop corals mixed in with golden and pink antler and cauliflower corals.

CRITTER: Female honu pick the sex of their babies

Just think how wonderful it would be if you had two boys in your family and you decided you would like a girl for your third child and the mom could just decide on her own what sex child she wanted.

CRITTER: Dangerous man o’ wars washing up on our beaches

While surfing at Makaha on O‘ahu’s South Shore one day, I went through a wave and felt like I had been bit by a huge shark. My entire body was in intense pain but when I surfaced I could not see any wounds and I was really confused as to what was happening.

CRITTER: Spearfishing can protect Kaua‘i coral reefs

For thousands of years butterfly fish have protected our coral reefs by feeding on dead and dying corals, which makes room for new corals to grow. The Hawaiian name for many of the butterfly fish species is kikakapu, which means “forbidden.”