Happy Camper for Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

A Bird of Paradise bloom basks in the already-hot morning sun on Monday during the Kaua‘i RSVP 9/11 National Day of Service (and Remembrance).

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kaua‘i RSVP director Mary Pigao, her staff and Advisory Council members have time for a photo op on Monday during the Kaua‘i RSVP 9/11 National Day of Service (and Remembrance).

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Grove Farm Museum ‘ohana, during Monday’s Kaua‘i RSVP 9/11 Day of Service (and Remembrance), invite people to the Grove Farm Museum ‘Ohana Day which takes place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the homestead museum located on Nawiliwili Road. The “day of discovery” will have the team members talking about the legacy of Mabel and Elsie Wilcox and the impact the ladies left on education, public health, and more.

Kudos, Jean Souza (do you realize that clouds are good indicators of natural disasters?) and the Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery for having the Cloud Charts and free COVID-19 tests (how many people stopped for theirs after the DMV ran out of their supply?) during the 9/11 National Day of Service (and Remembrance). The event was presented by the collaborative efforts of Kaua‘i RSVP (Julie Souza did an amazing job with all the verses of “Hawai‘i Pono‘i”), Agency on Elderly Affairs, Kaua‘i Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and Kukui Grove Center.