Inouye’s Purple Heart comes home

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

MIS Veteran Norman Hashisaka talks about his friend and fellow MIS Veteran Kazuyoshi (Tommy) Inouye on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, during his presentation of the Purple Heart medal to Inouye’s neice Sarah Date at the Regency at Puakea.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sarah Date, neice of Kazuyoshi Inouye, shows off the Purple Heart for Inouye, which was presented on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, by Rep. Nadine Nakamura, MIS veteran Norman Hashisaka, MIS Veteran Hawai‘i’s Carolyn Morinishi holding Inouye’s portrait, and Rochelle Braun.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Sarah Date, the neice of Kazuyoshi (Tommy) Inouye, received the Purple Heart medal intended for Inouye from Norman Hashisaka on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Regency at Puakea.

LIHU‘E — When the families of Staff Sgt. Joseph T. Kuwada, Technician 4th Grade Haruyuki Ikemoto, Kazuyoshi (Tommy) Inouye, Wilfred M. Motokane and Masaru Sogi — all veterans of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) — received Purple Heart medals from the U.S. Army during a special recognition ceremony on May 10 at Pearl Harbor, one family member, Sarah Date, was not able to attend and receive the medal for her uncle.