Kaua‘i Special Olympics host annual fundraiser at the Walmart Lihu‘e

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Four off-duty volunteer law enforcement officers on the Walmart roof, and a corps of Special Olympics Kaua‘i athletes at the doors, solicit help for the Special Ol;ympics Hawai‘i program at the Walmart Lihu‘e store on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

A corps of Special Olympics Kaua‘i athletes welcome contributions during the Badges and Buckets fundraising campaign that started on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023, and continues until 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023, at the Walmart store in Lihu‘e.

Courtesy of Leona Sa McDermott

The Special Olympics Kaua‘i soccer and bocce ball teams and participants on O‘ahu for a tournament. Funds generated from Badges and Buckets and other Special Olympic fundraising efforts enable these athletes to participate without paying a cent.

LIHU‘E — Starting Thursday and continuing through Saturday, volunteer off-duty law enforcement officers will be on the rooftop of Walmart Lihu‘e for the Special Olympics Hawai‘i Badges and Buckets fundraiser.