5 Cheer squads earn trip to Pop Warner National Championships

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Pop Warner Football League officials, including the cheer coaches, help with the free pumpkin giveaway, Saturday during the Grove Farm Market at the Puhi open field.

Roseanna Jerves/Contributed

The Kapa‘a Eagles Junior Varsity team celebrates its second place finish at the KPWFL Islandwide Cheer Competition at the Bernice Hundley Gym in Kapa‘a.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Hali‘a Kelekoma and Camillajoy Lopez of the Lihu‘e Raiders Tiny Mites cheer team help with the free pumpkin giveaway, Saturday during the Grove Farm Market at the Puhi open field.

KAPA‘A — The Bernice Hundley Gym was packed to capacity when five Kaua‘i Pop Warner Football League cheer squads earned qualifying scores for the National Pop Warner Cheer and Dance Competition during the KPWFL Islandwide Cheer Competition on Oct. 20.