Kaua‘i Beer Company helps the animals

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Humane Society’s Caitlin Fowlkes, kneeling with adoptable Lucie, and Tanya Ramseth, right, accept a check for nearly $545 from Jim Guerber, left, and Larry Feinstein of the Kaua‘i Beer Company, at the Rice Street restaurant in Lihu‘e on Thursday, July 6, 2023.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Humane Society Executive Director Nicole Crane, left, and Larry Feinstein of the Kaua‘i Beer Company size the new sign provided by the humane society for the Kaua‘i Beer Company’s pet wall, at the Rice Street restaurant in Lihu‘e on Thursday, July 6, 2023.

LIHU‘E — The Kaua‘i Beer Company on Thursday presented a check for nearly $545 to representatives of the Kaua‘i Humane Society, including Caitlin Fowlkes, Tanya Ramseth, who came to the Rice Street restaurant with adoptable Lucie.