KIFB receives pallets of Kaua‘i Coffee

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Coffee employee Angie Molina shows off the Fair Trade logo on a bag of Kaua‘i Coffee product during a Fair Trade Committee presentation to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank on Monday, June 26, 2023 at the food bank warehouse in Nawiliwili.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

The staff of the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank accepts a $17,205 Kaua‘i Coffee Fair Trade Committee award alongside one of two pallets of Kaua‘i Coffee the KIFB had just picked up for its use at the KIFB facility in Nawiliwili. Shown are an ASL interpreter for the Kaua‘i Coffee employee, Valerie Cooper of the Fair Trade Committee, Kaua‘i Coffee, Barbara Almeida, KIFB, Rizalde Tolentino, KIFB, Angie Molina, Fair Trade Committee, Kaua‘i Coffee, KIFB Executive Director Kelvin Moniz, Ammon Kakazu, KIFB, and Kawai Gampon, KIFB Programs Manager.

NAWILIWILI — When Valerie Cooper and Angie Molina and her American Sign Language interpreter showed up for the presentation of a Kaua‘i Coffee Fair Trade Committee award to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank at the food bank warehouse, they were greeted by a pallet of Kaua‘i Coffee.