There was no more room at the All Saints Episcopal Church gym in Kapa‘a Saturday during the Relay For Life Zumba fundraiser for Team Fely’s Angels.
“They said we can only put 50 people in here,” said Zumba instructor Sandie Ishii, who was joined by a host of other Zumba instructors during the event benefiting the American Cancer Society.
“We have the Zoom cameras on right now. Additionally, because this is a fundraising event, we’re asking for donations to hook up through Zoom.”
Zumba enthusiasts — the gym floors literally rocked to the music — donated to participate in the workout.
“We came from the Westside,” said Roy Buduan. “I even donated one of my paintings to help the cause. I’m here with Zumba instructor Jorienda Johnson.”
Ishii said the Saturday event was a master class, with gift bags and lucky-number prizes given away.
Team Fely’s Angels, named in memory of Fely Ragasa, only recently came off a successful Pop-Up and Pick-Up event that was held at the Coconut Marketplace in Waipouli, where Team Fely’s Angels offered cupcakes and charcuterie boxes.
Following a year of minimal activity due to the pandemic shutting everything down, ACS said a virtual event taking place Sept. 11 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. has a goal of $100,000.
Fundraising for this event is already underway, with Fely’s Angels having raised more than $3,200 to secure the No. 3 team spot. The top fundraising team is the Purple Palooza with $6,320, followed by the LHM Dharma Dragons at $4,610.
According to the website, Allison Toma is the top individual fundraiser with more than $6,000.
Combined, the Kaua‘i Relay For Life has raised nearly $29,000 with about 80 days remaining until the Sept. 11 virtual event.
To help, or donate, call Patti Ornellas at the ACS Kaua‘i office at 808-245-2997.
Actual, Real, functional and effective Health Care, is that which promotes your Health every time it is self applied or self performed. There are also some applications that others can do to you that are actual Health Care including non targeted, non symptom massage, or non symptom neuro spinal correction to structural displacement.
Health Care, is personal, you must do it yourself, albeit with sometimes Guidance or Learning from others.
Lifetime Health Care must be sought out, learned, and performed every day.
Zumba is Health Care, and is more important to life, than symptom chasing phony baloney treatments and remedies sold by endless hacks on every internet street corner.
Zumba is a moving, active form of Health Care, why?
Because Zumba is motion.
The definition of life?
Because All Dead Things Don’t Move !
Activate yourself…Try Zumba…or any other Healthy Activity on the land or in water.
Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, non-contact Martial Arts, or sports either water based or on the land.
Authentic Health Care does not concern itself with symptoms or test findings of any kind, nor is there any discussion of symptoms or test findings.
Health Care is the daily doing of something Healthy, and many things daily, based on your ability, that are Healthy.
Instead of sitting in the waiting room of an office of someone who is going to discuss with you something about your mind or body that is not functioning properly, that is signs and symptoms of disease that will result in a prescription drug or surgery treatment; you would do better spending your time being out doing some or many of the things that are Healthy…like Zumba…
…or Surfing, Swimming, Tennis, Basketball, Walking, Golfing (is walking), Running, Hiking, Hula, all natural Food Gardening, all natural Food Shopping…
…and extremely important do not eat food of any kind with chemicals added, especially cancer causing petrochemicals (made from oil wells and coal tars from coal mines), Read all Food Labels for their lists of chemicals and synthetic chemical vitamins, and never eat food with added sugar, there are 60 kinds of sugars put in our foods, they are in processed foods, processed foods are packaged, canned food, canned/bottled sodas, etc., learn to read the labels and to avoid them.
Typical and too popular sugar, is like a drug, habituating and causes a feeling of “high”, like in cane sugar, plant based, but so are cocaine, opium, and heroin are also made from plants. Added Sugar is just a lesser evil.
Besides sugar feeds obesity and diabetes.
Supermarkets are mostly non or low nutrient snack and stomach entertaining food. Just walk the aisles and look at the so called foods, they are snacks, the basis of a weak nation, and propagandized into thinking you need a vaccine when all you need is a Healthy body and thus a Healthy Immune System.
Health Care is Taking Natural Food Shopping and Natural Food Preparation and Cooking Classes for daily Personal Health Care.
Watch your food “like a Hawk”, run your body daily like a well running machine every day…even if you have to do it in front of a TV motion show, like Zumba.
Let’s call them Motion Shows, they are all good.
Break a Sweat, safely raise your heart rate and breathing, live actively, be Healthy and Optimally Healthier as it causes Optimal Active Life Longevity as a Healthy Side Effect.
Bon Voyage to being Active.
There is a fee to join? Kapaa. My sister joins and is a member of a gym. Regular gym. They sell all kinds of stuffs at this gym.
Is that all of them? Only 50 in your membership. Just beginning the gym?
I only mention my sister, because your instructor is the brother of my cousin’s town mate Hanalei friend.
Does this make sense? In a small town as this, they do things this way.