Masks, vaccine are best defense
Richard Morse nicely summarized the data refuting the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of influenza. However, influenza and COVID-19 are entirely unrelated viruses. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2) is easily transmitted by respiratory droplets, and even simple cotton masks worn properly block most droplets.
See the CDC on-line publication, “Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV2.”
The conclusion: “Experimental and epidemiologic data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV2”.
The good news is that as vaccination rates rise, mask wearing will no longer be necessary. This is especially true on Kauai where the DOH has done an exceptional job controlling spread.
Mr. Morse is incorrect in saying that those who decline vaccination do not spread the virus. In the U.S. alone, half a million poor souls died in the first year of the pandemic. They were unvaccinated.
Sharon Tamura, M.D., M.P.H., Princeville and Chicago
Visitor vehicle use threatens enviroment
While tourists are back and once again casually foraying into limited access areas in search of recreational opportunities with little caution for their impact, I urge consideration of the following :
Rental car agencies here on Kaua‘i all have a contractual restriction against their vehicles being driven on unpaved roadways. This seems to be completely unenforced. Dirt roads in Koke’e, Mahaʻulupu, and Polihale seem to be choked with rental vehicles from visitors unfamiliar with the areas, parking haphazardly, blocking access, with little regard for safety issues or impacts to the environment and ecology.
Strict measures were employed against overuse in Haena and Keʻe during the past couple of years to limit use and protect the sensitive areas.
Yet, unrestricted off-road use by rental units at Mahaʻulepu, Koke’e, and Polihale continues to overwhelm these areas. It is a violation of their rental agreement and presents an ongoing hazard.
“Stepping up” reports to the rental companies of ongoing violations by private citizens, DLNR, and monitors MAY incentivize the rental agencies to mandate compliance. If visitors want to explore these areas, let them accompany a local with an appropriate vehicle.
Kalanikumai ‘O Na Ali’i Hanohano, Lawa’i
I’ve been thinking about this COVID-19 issue somewhat. Not wearing face mask contributes to someone being more susceptible to the virus. Connie in Dean’s letter state relevant issues arising from the sport of football. Medically speaking, the high school could lose out on HSAA football play due to medical reason unforeseen to family ties. 46% death toll rate includes this partition or segment of high school sports. It is not a separate case to be studied. Sufficient evidence just needs to be done. Medical terms.
Where are you getting a 46% death toll???
That was last years number. Or earlier this year some time in January. It was Honolulu StarAdvertiser’s commenter. The blog. They did an extensive data on death toll rate. And the number they came up with earlier on in the pandemic was 46%. ( Death from COVID-19/total patients getting COVID-19. Even if they die of something else, it is still counted as COVID-19. ) If you were to figure how many patients were saved from being vaccinated, you would take the total vaccination with is 43%, and times 43% to total death from COVID-19. Add this number to the people who survived. Total patients recovered from COVID-19. This would give you a estimate of how many people in the country got better from COVID-19. How many people lived after getting the vaccination.
One more point. Demographics for each town in the USA has figures like family member, age, sex, etc. In Hawai’i in 1989, Elenore Nordyke wrote a book, peopling of Hawai’i. In the study, by then there were less than 18% of Hawaiians. This says something about the health or mingling or sustainability of the Hawaiian race. What to them? Fighting? Working? I don’t know. I was never interested in studying that part. But if it helps, to survive, we need to fight our way through. A race that fights, wins. Just one thought. Think about it. No, it’s not Bible. It is life.
You forget, it seems, to mention that the vaccince companies’ addition of their spike protein is causing worldwide vaccine side effects of both heart inflammation, even in youth, and also more blood clots in peopleʻs brains. Yet drug companies still give the risky vaccines.
Why if cloth diapers stop water droplets, do almost all people wear the mass produced synthetic non cloth masks that are blue on the outside and white on the inside? Besides water droplets are spread by people with an active cough, which are people easy to spot and avoid.
The true strength of an individual in defeating Covid does not lie in mask wearing, frequent hand washing, and 6’ distancing, nor in vaccines with dangerous ingredients like lab created spike proteins and carcinogenic petrochemicals, but in the strength of a person’s own immune system.
Our immune systems are burdened and made ineffective by use of medications and presciption drugs, as well as eating low to non-nutrient foods like fast food, junk food, sugar added foods, and petro chemical added foods, along with people who self abuse themselves with alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, as well as people made toxic and at risk by taking untested but popular vaccines, none of which provde immunuty or make you non contagious, nor do they lead to herd immunity.
People with the Big 5 Diseases have weakened immune systems and are highly susceptable to virus infection and can even be spotted on the street, and at fast food restaurants, and in the junk food aisles of SuperMarket snack stores, wearing their obesity, and suffering from but medicated with prescription drugs for diabetes, heart, stroke, and high blood pressure, the most common preventable diseases, while taking the most popular prescription drugs that perpetuate those diseases.
Why Disease Care ignores prevention and avoidance, and instead relies on chemicals to hide symptoms is anyones guess, but fits the routine combatting virus with vaccines instead of Health.
Health defeats virus, and has no extra cost, while vaccine use costs $50 Billion tax dollars in the first few months, the excess of which vaccines will be sold to poor and ignorant 3rd world countries, after more and more Americans are rejecting vaccine stabs. Right off most people should know you should never let anyone stab you with anything.
Smart people fight disease with Health and require no medical care. CDC states that 98% of the people will get Covid and never know they had it, that’s Health. That is Herd Immunity without vaccines.
The only people who need vaccines are the people who sell them for a living.
“The good news is that as vaccination rates rise, mask wearing will no longer be necessary.” OK, but what if vaccination rates DON’T rise because no one left wants to get vaccinated? What then? Do we just continue to have restrictions on the majority of us who have been vaccinated because more than 30% of Kauai’s eligible population refuses to get vaccinated? Or, do we just open up and do away with restrictions and let those that don’t want to get vaccinated take responsibility for their choice? I would vote for the latter.
Kaua’i Visitors Bureau the Kaua’i leg of the Hawaii Tourism Authority (who draw millions of dollars from our taxes) has taken NO responsibility towards the overload of tourism which comes with huge damaging effects like the UNLIMITED amount of rental cars not to mention where drive to as outlined in Hanohano’s letter! “They” just turn their heads and keep promoting Kaua’i. “They” had over a year and a half to evaluate and redirect the effects of excessive tourism on our fragile island but did nothing! Our council and mayor also seem to make NO effort to bring this huge problem to the table. Its a crime against our limited natural resources and reduces the quality of life for ALL who are from Kaua’i.
Concur D. Woods. The last 15 months has proven one thing: Kauai and Hawaii will *never* get over its addiction to easy tourist dollars. The islands prostitute themselves out and then complain when they experience the inevitable side effects
You forget, it seems, to mention that the vaccince companies’ addition of their spike protein is causing worldwide vaccine side effects of both heart inflammation, even in youth, and also more blood clots in peopleʻs brains. Yet drug companies still give the risky vaccines.
Why if cloth diapers stop water droplets, do almost all people wear the mass produced synthetic non cloth masks that are blue on the outside and white on the inside? Besides water droplets are spread by people with an active cough, which are people easy to spot and avoid.
The true strength of an individual in defeating Covid does not lie in mask wearing, frequent hand washing, and 6’ distancing, nor in vaccines with dangerous ingredients like lab created spike proteins and carcinogenic petrochemicals, but in the strength of a person’s own immune system.
Our immune systems are burdened and made ineffective by use of medications and presciption drugs, as well as eating low to non-nutrient foods like fast food, junk food, sugar added foods, and petro chemical added foods, along with people who self abuse themselves with alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, as well as people made toxic and at risk by taking untested but popular vaccines, none of which provde immunuty or make you non contagious, nor do they lead to herd immunity.
People with the Big 5 Diseases have weakened immune systems and are highly susceptable to virus infection and can even be spotted on the street, and at fast food restaurants, and in the junk food aisles of SuperMarket snack stores, wearing their obesity, and suffering from but medicated with prescription drugs for diabetes, heart, stroke, and high blood pressure, the most common preventable diseases, while taking the most popular prescription drugs that perpetuate those diseases.
Why Disease Care ignores prevention and avoidance, and instead relies on chemicals to hide symptoms is anyones guess, but fits the routine combatting virus with vaccines instead of Health.
Health defeats virus, and has no extra cost, while vaccine use costs $50 Billion tax dollars in the first few months, the excess of which vaccines will be sold to poor and ignorant 3rd world countries, after more and more Americans are rejecting vaccine stabs. Right off most people should know you should never let anyone stab you with anything.
Smart people fight disease with Health and require no medical care. CDC states that 98% of the people will get Covid and never know they had it, that’s Health. That is Herd Immunity without vaccines.
The only people who need vaccines are the people who sell them for a living.
Excellent comment! Thank you!
Dream on…
Are you seriously suggesting that you become the self appointed rental car police? Do you honestly think that the rental car companies are going to start penalizing people? Yeah, that’d be great for their rental car business. ***eyeroll***
When masks and social distancing is no longer required I still want you Karens out there to stay away from me.
Concerning rental cars clogging the roads and going where they shouldn’t this is just the tip of what’s coming. A lot of visitors are not able to rent cars. Once the car rental companies get more cars over here we’ll be back to the good ol days. Kapaa is virtually at a standstill coming and going thanks to 3 different construction sites.
Just stay home. You’ve loved being told what to do the last 15 months to slow the spread.
What if the entire Covid 19 “pandemic” was introduced to the world by people we should be able to trust? What if the CDC and it’s top scientists were involved? What if even officials from the NIH were involved? What if it’s illegal to patent natural occurring viruses, but it’s fine to patent viruses created in a lab? What if the Corona Virus was made in a lab and it’s been patented by a Corporation with ties to Ralph Baric and Anthony Fauci, who helped lead the CDC? What if they even patented the rights to all testing for the virus giving them the rights to be paid for every virus test administered? What if the money trail goes directly from the CDC officials to the Wuhan China labs, that most believe introduced the virus to the world in the first place? Of course, only misguided and untrustworthy “conspiracy theory” nuts would believe any of that’s possible in America! Right?