Happy Camper for Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Is it real, or is it…? Members of the Foster Grandparents program lounge near a poster touting the program during the Older Americans festival at Kukui Grove Center Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Shirley Simbre-Medeiros and the Alu Like kupuna (Samantha Souza is still learning the words) close the Older Americans festival at Kukui Grove Center Friday.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Ed Kawamura Sr. (he’s got the M. Kawamura Expo opening, Friday!) and Andrea Abalos set out flowers for Kendall Burwinkle at the Kauai Veterans Cemetery (Andrea said they have Memorial Day services coming up Monday, May 27).

Kudos to Kelly Raitz of the Veterans Affairs office on coordinating the service for veteran Kendall Burwinkle, who got to rest in his home on Kauai. Jim Jung was missing the Older Americans festival (kudos to the county Agency on Elderly Affairs, Kukui Grove Center, and the county Department of Parks and Recreation on another great event!) because he helped officiate at the service.