Brian hasn’t always made the best choices, and the road he has traveled has often been marked by detours. When he was a young man, he was sent to jail for drugs. He hasn’t had a good home life since
Brian hasn’t always made the best choices, and the road he has traveled has often been marked by detours.
When he was a young man, he was sent to jail for drugs. He hasn’t had a good home life since he was a small child. He has three younger sisters who he has very little contact with. He has no contact with his mother, who is in rehab, and has no contact with his dad, who is on drugs and running amok.
Brian lives in a clean and sober home and is doing well but has his good days and bad days. He has two jobs and is attending college. He struggles with his finances and juggling his schedule, but is slowly learning to work things out. His future dreams are to be able to take care of his sisters, lead them in the right direction and be there for them. Brian could use clothing and shoes and could also use some school supplies like pencils, pens and paper.
Brian is one of those who will receive assistance through The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund.
The Garden Island encourages individuals, families, clubs, schools and businesses to rally behind the Christmas Fund.
Each donated dollar is carefully recorded, accounted for and spent wisely. Anyone making a donation of $500 or more can have their picture presenting the check published in TGI.
Donations will be distributed by Zonta Club members, who purchase gift certificates at appropriate businesses to help make wishes come true.
Only monetary donations can be accepted. Checks, payable to Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, can be mailed to P.O. Box 3032, Lihue, HI., 96766.
Information: Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano, chair of The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund Committee, 822-4517.
The following are more stories of people who could use help through The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund. While the names have been changed, the situations described are real.
Young twins have little
Don and Stan are 8-month-old twins who live with their mom and older brother. They were born with a medical condition that affected their health and have had multiple surgeries on Oahu. On top of that, their family lost their house so they are in temporary housing. To make sure that they are coming along in their health and development, the children has been receiving services from Easter Seals and from public health nursing. The family could use some educational toys and baby items.
Woman gets by on small allowance
Nalani is elderly and has difficulties with hearing. However, she enjoys going out to eat with her personal assistant, once or twice a week. She is often “treated” because she doesn’t have very much of an allowance. Nalani is in need of new clothing and footwear. She’s not very picky and will accept any clothes or shoes that’s provided.