Charter Commission meeting Monday, 4:30 p.m. Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room • Discussion on the creation of a county Department of Parks and Recreation; historical uses of parks; term limits and district elections for the Kaua‘i County
Charter Commission meeting
Monday, 4:30 p.m.
Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room
• Discussion on the creation of a county Department of Parks and Recreation; historical uses of parks; term limits and district elections for the Kaua‘i County Council, and creation of a county-manager form of government; a special counsel and efforts to publicize the commission’s activities.
Kaua‘i County Planning Commission Subdivision Committee meeting
Tuesday, 8 a.m.
Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room
• Tentative subdivision action on a request for an 11-lot subdivision in Wailua Homesteads proposed by Herbert and Barbara Nishida and David Nakamura; a two-lot subdivision in Kilauea proposed by Craig H. & Lisa K. Maas and Donald Berdeaux; and a two-lot boundary adjustment in Wailua Homesteads proposed by Dana R. and Alison H. Nadaeu;
• Final subdivision action on a two-lot consolidation in Lihu‘e proposed by Grove Farm Land Corp.
Kaua‘i County Planning Commission meeting
Tuesday, 9 a.m.
Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room
• Status on Special Management Are use Permit for the Kapalawai Resort in Makaweli, and use permit request by County of Kaua‘i officials for a building or buildings in Lihu‘e to house the island’s first emergency center and transitional housing program for the homeless.
Kaua‘i County Planning Commission public hearings
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.
Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room
• Request for permit by Kukui‘Ula Development Company (Hawaii) LLC officials to build out a portion of their resort project, including the development of dining, lounge and retail amenities; a golf clubhouse facility; a spa facility; keiki cottage; a pool and pool grill area; 21, one-bedroom guest units, a greeter housing facility; 277 parking stalls and other amenities;
• Request for permits by Koloa Marketplace LLC developers to relocate the Koloa post office and to put in its place a 26,000-square-foot retail shopping and office complex;
• Request for permits by Grove Farm Company officials to convert a hog-production facility into an orchid-production facility.
Kaua‘i County Public Access, Open Space and Natural Resources Preservation Fund Commission meeting Wednesday, 9 a.m.
Lihu‘e Civic Center Mo‘ikeha Building first-floor conference room
• Rupert Rowe gives talk on archeological complex in Po‘ipu; 2006 report to county officials on the status of program funding and status on implementation of various bills related to important agricultural lands and rural districts.
Special Kaua‘i County Council meeting
Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.
Historic County Building, second-floor council chambers
• Interviews for re-appointments of Reginald Gage and La Verne L. Bessert to the Kaua‘i County Board of Review, and appointment of Thomas Tokioka to the Kaua‘i County Liquor Control Commission.
Kaua‘i County Council regular meeting
Wednesday, 11 a.m.
Historic County Building, second-floor council chambers
• Villas at Puali Housing development in Puhi;
• Re-appointment of Peter Pohaku K. Nishimitsu to the Kaua‘i County Historic Preservation Review Committee;
• Request to apply for and receive a $45,600 grant from the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Grant program for fiscal year 2005 to expand a government-operated, domestic-violence-prosecution program, and to indemnify the state;
• Request to use up to $100,000 to retain outside counsel to represent the county and county entities in the Darla Abbatiello v. Kaua‘i County court case;
• Request to use up to $100,000 to continue the use of services of two attorneys to hear and prosecute matters before the Kaua‘i County Board of Ethics;
• Request for councilmember approval to accept a $92,000 donation from Kukui‘Ula Development Company (Hawaii) LLC officials for the costs the county incurred to develop enabling legislation for the special-improvement financing by community-facilities districts;
• Request for councilmember approval to accept and use a $50,000 advance deposit and future deposits from Kukui‘Ula Development Company (Hawaii), LLC officials, to pay for expenses related to the creation of the community-facilities district for the company’s residential resort project;
• Action on resolution asking members of the state Legislature to authorize those at the state Department of Transportation Harbors Division to impose and collect fees on international passenger cruise-ship arrivals, including the Hawaii Superferry, with funds used to develop and fund drug-interdiction and invasive-species prevention;
• Action on a resolution to confirm mayoral re-appointment of Reginald P. Gage II to a second term on the Kaua‘i Board of Review;
• Action on a resolution authorizing a performance audit of the Solid Waste Division of the Kaua‘i County Department of Public Works, in accordance with a Kaua‘i County Charter provision;
• Action on a resolution to confirm mayoral re-appointment of La Verne L. Bessert to a second term on the Kaua‘i Board of Review.
• Action on a resolution confirming mayoral appointment of Thomas T. Tokioka to a first term on the Kaua‘i Liquor Control Commission.
Kaua‘i Service Area Board on Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Friday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Lihue Public Library conference room, Hardy Street
• Service area administrator’s presentation schedule; adult mental health services planning update; and a state council report by Candy Sandal, Kaua‘i Service Area Board representative to the state council.