The Governor’s Advisory Committee met last week in the Lihu‘e Civic Center and, in front of a packed room, officials from the state Department of Transportation and Department of Land and Natural Resources laid out some future Kaua‘i projects, including
The Governor’s Advisory Committee met last week in the Lihu‘e Civic Center and, in front of a packed room, officials from the state Department of Transportation and Department of Land and Natural Resources laid out some future Kaua‘i projects, including plans for improvements to Kaua‘i small boat harbors, new bathrooms at state parks, and new alternate roads through Kapa‘a.
While Ernest Y. Lau, DLNR deputy director, stressed that the funding has not been approved by the governor or state Legislature, he cited improvements to the Port Allen, Kikiaola and Nawiliwili harbors, and the bathrooms at Koke‘e and Wailua state parks, as some of the priorities for which DLNR officials are asking for funds.
Rodney Haraga, DOT director, discussed plans for a Kapa‘a bypass, connectors, and an alternate route through Kapa‘a.
The first step, Haraga said, is completion of an environmental impact statement for the Kuhio Highway connector with Pouli Road in Waipouli, which he hopes will be done by the end of next year. If everything goes according to plan, the connector will be finished by October 2007.
Other projects, such as a new alternate route for Kapa‘a and widening Kaumuali‘i Highway to four lanes from Lihu‘e towards the Westside, are in the planning and EIS stages, and will not be done before 2010, said Haraga.
Haraga said the DOT is planning a public meeting public meetings after the EIS documents are done next year.
As for the DLNR, Lau said the Gov. Linda Lingle will be receiving the DLNR’s funding proposals within the next few weeks.