Stories by Tom Yamachika

TAX MAN: Considering a carbon tax with rebates

The Hawai‘i Tax Review Commission, under our state constitution, convenes once every five years or so to examine and report on our state tax system. It recently published its report addressed to the Legislature.

TAX MAN: More on green fees

Once every five years or so, the Hawaii Constitution asks our government officials to put together a Tax Review Commission. Its job is to “conduct a systematic review of the State’s tax structure, using such standards as equity and efficiency.”

TAX MAN: NOT the end of Gut-n-Replace

On Nov. 4, the Supreme Court of Hawai‘i released its decision in League of Women Voters v. State. That decision involved a bill enacted by the 2018 Legislature that went through some different incarnations before finally becoming law.

TAX MAN: Hike traffic fines for profit

The Honolulu City Council wants to raise money for the Honolulu Police Department by adding a surcharge to traffic fines. As KHON2 reports, they say that the money can and should be used to recruit, retain, and equip police officers. It’s definitely a creative idea to raise additional revenue without hiking the property tax.

TAX MAN: Where is the value from taxes?

On Oct. 13, the Grassroot Institute of Hawai‘i published the result of a poll of about 1,000 Hawai‘i residents. They found, not surprisingly, that people don’t like our high state taxes:

TAX MAN: No, DOE, You’re Not God

In recent weeks, it’s been no secret that the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association (HSTA) has had some concerns about their working conditions. Schools are about to start up again with in-person instruction.

TAX MAN: Tax planning with the rich and famous

Occasionally, all of us wonder what it’s like to be rich and famous, or at least act like it. “Those people,” you might think, “have at their disposal so many ways to flummox the tax authorities if they want to. Panamanian bearer shares corporations. Dutch sandwiches. Entities from the Isle of Man, the Caymans, or Bermuda perhaps.”

TAX MAN: We compete with other states, countries, for people

Over the past 10 or so years that I have been in the seat, I have seen legislature after legislature consider many, many bills to increase taxes. Every year. Without fail. At the Foundation, we keep a list of the tax bills that are introduced and that get at least one hearing.

THE TAX MAN: Counties, you’re TAT collectors now

Most of us have heard about House Bill 862, the bill that cut off the counties’ share of Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT) but allowed the counties to impose their own TAT. This bill became law by legislative override of Governor Ige’s veto.