The Garden Island

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025 | Today's Paper | scattered clouds 67.532°

Stories by Jane Riley

Protein and your muscles

The human body is capable of digesting large quantities of protein, but not all of it is used to synthesize muscle.

The mature shoulder needs extra care

Age-related changes start to make themselves felt around the age of 40 or 50 years of age. This is because what happens in the upper body mimics what happens in the lower body - specifically the low back and the knee.

Injuries and the best ways to treat them

Issues with bones and joints are the No. 1 reason for doctor visits — accounting for 15 percent of our healthcare dollars. Nevertheless musculoskeletal training is less than 5 percent of the medical school curriculum.

Working to take care of what you’ve got

The optimal design for the human frame given what we do on a daily basis and how long we currently live is not much like what we have. We should be much shorter, thicker, more heavily boned and muscled in order to stay optimally active well into our 80s and 90s.

February is Healthy Heart Month!

Let’s celebrate, not just on Valentine’s day but every day of the year and make sure that we are doing everything we can to focus on having a healthy heart.

E-cigarettes are far from harmless

Cigarette smoking kills approximately half a million people a year in the United States. Most of the harm done to humans originates in the thousands of chemicals that are burned and inhaled in the smoke.

Drug testing in sports

When winning seems to be everything, rather than how you play the game, many athletes are tempted to use any means at all to achieve their goal of being a champion.

February is the month to celebrate women, girls in sport

February 7 is the 32nd annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, and the theme is “Play Fair, Play IX.” Title IX ensures that students receive educational opportunities free from discrimination based on gender. It is a concise law — just 37 words — that has greatly expanded opportunities for females in sport, authored in part by the late U.S. Rep. Patsy T. Mink of Hawaii.

What’s new in fitness for 2018?

At this time of year, many people take up a renewed approach to their fitness regime. After the holidays some are happy just to be back in the gym, back to eating sensibly and back to their schedule.

Fruit is great but beware of the sugar

There is no doubt that many fruit have exceptional nutritive qualities. However, some are also quite high in sugar and may not be the best choices for anyone who is trying to reduce their caloric or sugar load.

Merry Christmas and a healthy Happy New Year!

Tomorrow is the big day for many of us here on the island. A day of feasting, family and friends. Hopefully, you have managed to get through the holiday parties and celebrations while still keeping your commitment to your health.

Looking ahead to Healthy Weight Week

The third week of January is annually Healthy Weight Week, a time to commit to eating healthy, exercising, and keeping those resoltions to live a healthier lifestyle.

Aging, balance and flexibility

No doubt if you are advancing in years you may find that keeping your balance and staying flexible are becoming increasingly difficult.