Stories by Hank Soboleski

ISLAND HISTORY: The Hawaiian sugar plantation newspaper era – 1919-83

From 1919, when Kaua‘i’s Hawaiian Sugar Co., aka Makaweli Plantation, first published the “Makaweli Plantation News,” Hawai‘i’s original sugar plantation newspaper, until 1983, when the Waialua Sugar Mill plantation published its final edition of the “Waialua Sugar Scoop,” a total of 55 Hawaiian sugar plantations published their own in-house newspapers.

ISLAND HISTORY: 19th century Kaua‘i medical doctor James W. Smith

Dr. James W. Smith, Kaua‘i’s only medical doctor for much of the 19th century, was born in Connecticut in 1810, educated at the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, and sailed to Hawai‘i from Boston, Massachusetts with the “Tenth Company” of American missionaries, arriving on Kaua‘i with his wife, Melicent, in 1842.