Williamson offers co-branded chocolate bars

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY

Pure cacao is poured into a grinder to make the 100 percent Wild Kauai Chocolate bars.

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY

Debbie Williamson sells varieties of chocolate, partnering with local businesses to develop special bars, like the Imua bar made with coffee from local roaster Imua Coffee.

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY

Debbie Williamson pours tea made from roasted cacao husks.

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY

Bars are wrapped in golden foil paper before being packaged at Wild Kauai Chocolate in Wailua.

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DA

The 100-percent Wild Kauai Chocolate bar is popular for health benefits, and is one of several varieties sold at the Wailua shop.

Jessica Else / TGIFR!DAY

Debbie Williamson pours chocolate onto the table for tempering.

WAILUA — You get to make your own chocolate bar at Debbie Williamson’s shop, and you can sip on chocolate tea while you do it.