KVMH nurse retires after 45 years in health care

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Hawai‘i Health Systems Corportation, Kaua‘i Region CEO Lance Segawa thanks Eileen Naka‘ahiki for 31 years of dedication and caring on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023, when Naka‘ahiki’s family surprised the retiring nurse with a luncheon at the KVMH garden.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Eileen Naka‘ahiki gets a final photo with the nurses at Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023, when Naka‘ahiki’s family surprised her with a retirement luncheon that lasted the entire afternoon at KVMH gardens outside the long term care unit.

WAIMEA — When Eileen Naka‘ahiki reported for work at Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital on Thursday, she planned to stay for just an hour.