Happy Camper for Monday, July 3, 2023

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The 11 members of the Kaua‘i Fire Department Recruit Class make short work (they even had time for some football) of setting up tents on Saturday, July 1, 2023, for the Kaua‘i Hospice Concert in the Sky that opens Tuesday from 3:30 p.m. at the Vidinha Stadium soccer fields in Lihu‘e.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Artist Leonora Orr, left, is kept busy at the door of the Kaua‘i Society of Artists gallery at Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e on Saturday, July 1, 2023, by all those people, including Mark Bonilla of Jamba Juice, far right, who wanted a sneak peek at the Leonora and Friends exhibit that opens July 6 and continues through July 28.

Ari Brun had an important job on Saturday as volunteers set up the Vidinha Stadium soccer fields in Lihu‘e for the Kaua‘i Hospice Concert in the Sky. Kaua‘i Hospice composed the music that goes with the pyrotechnic displays (mahalo, King Auto Center, for sponsoring the fireworks again!). Ari (she’s so excited to have the Concert in the Sky again) had the lunches for all those volunteers, including the 11 members of the Kaua‘i Fire Department Recruit Class.