Ha‘ena State Park touted as tourism model for state

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

Hawai‘i Tourism Authority Public Affairs Officer Ilihia Gionson, third from left, praises Ha‘ena State Park’s destination management model and the state’s approach for regenerative tourism, during a press conference on June 8, 2023. From left are state Board of Land and Natural Resources Chair Dawn Chang, DLNR Division of State Parks Administrator Curt Cottrell, Gionsin, community organization board member Chipper Wichman, and state Rep. Nadine Nakamura.

Emma Grunwald / The Garden Island

A press conference was held on June 8, 2023, at Ha‘ena State Park, where government officials unveiled a 63-page handbook, “The Transformation of Ha‘ena State Park.” The guidebook is being used as a model for the management of other popular Hawai‘i state parks.

HA‘ENA – The state Department of Land and Natural Resources held a press conference at Ha‘ena State Park, where it unveiled a 63-page handbook detailing how state and county representatives have worked with community members to manage the once “overcrowded, overtaxed, and over-loved” park.