Kaua‘i High earns $10,000 CS Leaders Prize

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Leah Aiwohi of the Kaua‘i High School electronics department, 10th from left, shows the school’s $10,000 CS Leaders Prize with representatives of the school’s administration, the school’s computer class, the state Department of Education Kaua‘i Area Complex office and feeder schools King Kaumuali‘i Elementary School and Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School, on Friday on the Kaua‘i High campus in Lihu‘e.

LIHU‘E — Kaua‘i High School, and more specifically Leah Aiwohi of the school’s electronics department, was one of two schools in Hawai‘i to earn the $10,000 CS Leaders Prize for her efforts to expand access to computer science for the school’s students.