Mayor, County Council congratulate Kaua‘i Grown 8U baseball team

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami and the Kaua‘i County Council, including Council members Felicia Cowden, Billy DeCosta, Chair Arryl Kaneshiro, and Bernard Carvalho Jr. take time to congratulate the Kaua‘i Grown 8 Under Baseball team for the team’s accomplishment at the Mililani High School 8U Pinto Baseball Tournament by declaring Tuesday as Kaua‘i Grown 8U Baseball Team Day at the Mo‘ikeha Building, Lihu‘e Civic Center.

LIHU‘E — Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami, joined by the Kaua‘i County Council, had a great time declaring Tuesday as Kaua‘i Grown 8 Under Baseball Team day with coaches, family, and players of the Kaua‘i Grown 8 Under team at the Mo‘ikeha Building, Lihu‘e Civic Center.