Marriott helps with food-insecurity

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Associates from the Marriott Beach Clubs drop off 1,333 pounds of food Friday to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank Nawiliwili facility.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank Executive Director Kelvin Moniz, right, thanks associates from the Marriott Beach Clubs Friday after the associates dropped off 1,333 pound of food to the KIFB Nawiliwili facility.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

The Marriott Beach Club’s Rachel Karimi joins other Marriott associates in unloading 1,333 pounds of food the Marriott group dropped off to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank in Nawiliwili Friday.

NAWILIWILI — The holiday came a little early for the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank and its efforts to help individuals and families with food-insecurity.