Kukui‘ula harbor getting new dock

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

An in-harbor swell washes over the project to replace the wooden loading dock Thursday at the Kukui‘ula Small Boat Harbor on the South Shore.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

A boater launches his small craft Thursday adjacent to the project to replace the wooden boat ramp at Kukui‘ula Small Boat Harbor on the South Shore.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Cobey Maldanado and Daniel Ene of Sea Engineering look over the new replacement dock Thursday at the Kukui‘ula Small Boat Harbor on the South Shore.

KUKUI‘ULA — Work to repair the boat ramp at Kukui‘ula Small Boat Harbor started Tuesday when a team from Sea Engineering of Honolulu arrived on Kaua‘i with equipment and materials.