LIHU‘E — The state’s Department of Health has issued an exposure notice to those who participated in the Lihu‘e Missionary Church youth excursions on July 25 and 31.
LIHU‘E — The state’s Department of Health has issued an exposure notice to those who participated in the Lihu‘e Missionary Church youth excursions on July 25 and 31.
A DOH spokesperson said there is a single infection reported with multiple close contacts. Locating additional people exposed is critical to ensuring contact tracing can be completed.
“The highest risk individuals are those who rode in a van for a Lihu‘e Missionary Church youth excursion on the afternoon of July 31,” a statement from DOH said.
While the Kaua‘i District Health Office has been in communication with church leaders, comprehensive contact tracing and disease control were not able to be fully completed, the DOH said.
Individuals who rode in this van or their family members are requested to contact the KDHO at 808-241-3357. Participants’ privacy will be protected. DOH staff will assist these individuals in arranging testing and quarantine.
“This announcement is necessary to protect the Kaua‘i community,” DOH said.
Just tell them wear face masks. 1st warning is $75 dollar fine. City ordinance