Help for students offered at Kaua‘i Community College

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island Kelvin Moniz, Juliana Olds, Cyndi Ayonon, Rose Ramos Benzel, Lani Nagao, Leona Perez, Margaret Sanchez, and Cora Balocan celebrate the opening of the ‘Ono Mea ‘Ai food pantry in the Student Life lobby at the Kauai Community College.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island Annie Rellin, Kauai Community College secretary to the vice chancellor of student affairs, right, and Isaiah Ka‘auwai, acting vice chancellor of student affairs, left, get Margaret Sanchez, hired as the vice chancellor of student affairs in August, up to speed on the office.

PUHI — Individuals contemplating a college education who have not taken any steps toward that goal can get a boost when Kaua‘i Community College hosts Aha Info on Thursday, July 29, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the college’s One-Stop Center.