Make cesspool conversion easier
The owner of a house where I previously rented an apartment received a letter about a code violation because my apartment had a kitchenette. Apparently, it’s having more than one food-prep area with a cesspool that’s a problem.
In my searches over the last three years for apartments on Kaua‘i, every single one had a kitchenette (AKA food-prep area). I find it hypocritical of the government, on one hand, to acknowledge the severe shortage of affordable-rental housing on Kaua‘i (the places I looked at had over 100 others also looking!), and then to say second living spaces may not have a kitchenette while turning a blind eye to all the apartments that do, but randomly fining a few.
Why pick on just them? All they have to do is visit apartments for rent and find that, surprise, they all have a food-prep area! The fines certainly would help balance the government’s finances, but not help people searching for a place to live one whit. Hmm, isn’t the purpose of a government to help its constituents?
Tell me, why is it all right for the second apartment with a cesspool to have a toilet? Doesn’t that cause more of a cesspool problem than a sink in the kitchen? But the owner is not fined for having a second or even third toilet. But we need to worry about the gray water from the kitchen?
If the government was really concerned about its people and their health it would make cesspool conversion easier or work on getting more water-treatment plants rather than sporadically fining people for having a food-prep area within a separate living space.
Ruta Jordans, Wailua Homesteads
Ax all government COVID restrictions now
The governor has said all COVID restrictions will be removed when we reach a 70% vaccination rate. We will never get there.
There are too many people in this state who have decided not to get vaccinated. It is obvious that the vaccination rate has stalled big-time. It’s taken a month to go up 2 percentage points. We haven’t even reached 60%, and 70% is nothing but a political pipe-dream.
So where does that leave us, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated? We are apparently destined to wear these darn masks and have our businesses prevented from fully opening up forever, or at least for months and months, unless Ige comes to his senses and does away with all restrictions.
I, for one, am frustrated that those of us who got vaccinated continue to have to have these restrictions because the government refused to recognize that a good percentage of folks will never agree to get vaccinated. Ige, let it go. Just do away with all restrictions now, and let those who chose to not get vaccinated take responsibility for their own safety instead of forcing the rest of us to coddle them so they don’t get sick. I’m positive most unvaccinated folks would agree with me.
They don’t want these continued restrictions any more than we do. If we have small clusters of the unvaccinated catching COVID at churches or restaurants, so be it. Everyone should be responsible for themselves and let’s get the government out of our lives as to these COVID restrictions. Other states have done it without significant issues. Let’s get back to normal and do away with all government restrictions NOW!
Jim Henry, Kalaheo
That is another view. Do they then just let the high school play football and wait and see if some students die from COVID-19?
Great idea. I think they are heading this way.
To answer your question, yes. Let those who want to play and whose parents allow them to play, go and play. Those that don’t choose to play, don’t play. Isn’t that what democracy is all about? Let citizens have the freedom to choose their own course of action instead of the Government and it’s agencies? At least at this point in time and as to the pandemic. It’s time to end all restrictions and let folks decide for themselves. The government did a good job but now it’s time to get back to normal.
It’s nice to see the word “cesspool” being used in the proper way. I was getting too accustomed to hearing it being used to describe politicians in Washington. Although it still applies.
Mr. Henry, you’re too sharp for Mr. Ige’s plans, you taking responsibility for determining your own health matters. Next thing you know you’ll want a say in how your taxes are spent.
Patrick H Flores, Nampa, Id.
Great article about so many building restrictions here on Kauai— that is a big issue for affordable housing. Yes that kitchen prep area restriction just sounds so odd. Also so many places that could support an ADU or an ADR but not allowed – even though they do have adequate county water and septic systems such as some Ag zoned areas.
It is time for Kauai County to re-look at the many building restrictions and open up some options in certain situations—Such as AG zoned land bordering residential subdivisions.
Ruta Jordan’s…. kitchens put grease and oils in the cesspools. It’s the main reason for cesspools to stop working. Grease and oils seal the dirt walls of the system and it can’t drain properly. Always remember the state and county are big on “selective enforcement”. It’s all about who you are and who you know that gets the attention. Have a great day!
Excuse me, but grease and oil in your body settles into your artery walls too, including the arteries in your heart and brain, causing heart and stroke and high blood pressure diseases and causes the taking of toxic prescription drugs, which burden your immune system for the 10, 20,30, 40 years etc., you will or have been taking the prescription drugs daily, and will burden your immune system to counter Covid virus, which will, with a burdened immune system be incapable of protecting you from serious Covid disease or death.
As well brain blood clots may be pre-existing and the grease and oil that went into your body and brain and did not make it into the cesspool, but the vaccine may have triggered the pre-existing clot to become symptomatic as a stroke. You have only yourself to blame!
Bottom line is grease and any oil, like even salad dressing, or deep fried food in oil are bad for both your arteries and your cesspool, but better to kill your cesspool than yourself.
Save your own life and the life of your cesspool, don’t use grease, fat, lard, and oil in your foods. Try Plant Based Foods.
Food from animal flesh has fat, lard, and grease in it. Causes early heart, stroke, hypertension disease and early departure from earth! Eat Plant Based Foods.
I agree with the way Jim is thinking. Enough time has passed for understanding of this Corona Virus. Options to take a vaccine or not to take a vaccine has arrived. It is time to learn how to live your lifestyle with this virus, threatened or not.
Jim Henry is 100 % right
Well put Mr. Henry! Not to mention there still isn’t enough data to determine what long time effects the vaccine could have on our young adults and children. I am vaccinated, but strongly urged both my 20 year old daughter and 18 year old son to wait and see what (if any) long-term effects it could have on them (heart, reproductive side effects). My understanding, and I could be way off, is that for Hawaii to reach 70%, it would require teenagers to be vaccinated. Do some research. I did a ton, and for me personally, the unknown side effects of my children receiving the vaccine, greatly outweigh the risk of them having issues with Covid if they contract it. For all I know, both have already had it and were asymptomatic.
DMV is like dealing with a 3rd world bureaucracy. Beware if you ever have to register a car that has been brought over from California, (or any other state). My son bought a car in Calif. and came to live here. He gifted the car to me and I needed to register it in my name and get Hawaii plates. Sound easy huh? Wrong! There are over a dozen steps to several agencies and departments and little assistance from DMV agents. I have been to the DMV 3 times now, and still haven’t met their requirements. It is a nightmare! There is also a time deadline to avoid penalties and extra fees. More of a nightmare! Good Luck!
R. Lund
No problem with redhats and antivax nutters to self-select from the gene pool. Darwin applauds their mendacity. The problem is these bloodsuckers end up in the ICU and sane citizens pay obscene amounts to keep M worthless hides alive. Should be a law that says no government recommended vaccine, then no medical care unless you pay 100% upfront.
MisterM, I believe you’ve got it backwards. Since you chose to receive an experimental RNA “jab” that has not been approved by the FDA, and in lieu of the fact that these “jabs” have caused more injury, suffering and death than all of the other vaccines in human history combined, perhaps you are the one who should be denied taxpayer funded medical coverage if you suffer as yet unknown complications from Big Pharma’s “experiment”. I hope you survive unscathed, but as for the rest of us, we choose not to be part of the “experiment”. 99.7% survival rate is a statistic we can live with.