A mango is not just a mango.
A mango is not just a mango.
Bill Spitz said the mangoes at Elmer’s Farm are the Manzanillo mangoes, named for the city in Mexico. Risa Clemmons has Haden mangoes, and there are mangoes everywhere right now at the Pau Hana Market at Kukui Grove Center in Lihu‘e.
But that means the season is going to be ending soon.
Mayette Loseto had dragonfruit — not just dragonfruit, but the red variety, last week. This week, she (if there’s not that many customers, she can even show how to tell the difference in varieties) added the white variety and, shortly, yellow dragonfruit?
Renee DeYoung of New York was getting excited after discovering Forbidden Valley pineapple at a good price compared to sugarloaf at Mayette’s truck. She got even more excited when Mayette let her sample chico, which Renee said tastes like cooked apples, complete with the cinnamon flavoring. Mayette told her to come back in April when the marang goes off and she’ll never buy ice cream again.
Stephen Fujii was looking for papaya, and had to check out the mountain apples at Aloha Lani, where Thaksin “Pat” Sakda was doing a nearly-constant lopping of fresh coconuts, and Mrs. Lin is back with Lin Farms after having erected greenhouses on their farm to cope with birds eating the crops.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.