LIHU‘E — Six new cases of COVID-19 were reported by the state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office on Wednesday, bringing the number of active cases on Kaua‘i to 70, with 338 cumulative cases.
LIHU‘E — Six new cases of COVID-19 were reported by the state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office on Wednesday, bringing the number of active cases on Kaua‘i to 70, with 338 cumulative cases.
All six cases are Kaua‘i residents: five adults and one child. All six cases are considered community-acquired infections, the office said.
Kaua‘i’s cumulative case count includes 300 confirmed locally, two probable, and 36 positive cases diagnosed elsewhere, as they received their pre-travel test results after arriving on island. All active cases are in isolation, and close contacts are being identified, directed to quarantine and offered testing.
A testing clinic is at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihu‘e Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Upon arrival at the test center, people will receive an appointment time to return later in the day. Appointments are given on a first-come, first-served basis. There is a maximum of 400 appointments a day.
Kaua‘i Community Correctional Center said earlier this week that one employee reported a positive COVID-19 test, and staff at KCCC continue taking steps to sanitize the facility. As of Wednesday, KCCC reported 138 negative inmate test results and 55 negative staff test results so far, part of mass testing that was conducted in response to the positive test.
The Science:
1.) You become infected with Covid-19.
2.) Immediately your Immune System’s Plasma cells
bio-identify the specific “no 2 alike fingerprints” ID of the
Covid-19 specie of virus. All Covid-19 virus have the same bio-
3.) The Plasma cells identify and immediately begin producing
Antibodies that bio-match the specific “fingerprint” ID of the
Covid-19 virus.
4.) Plasma cells are in the millions, and are rapidly replaced as they
live only a few days, probably they die because of exhaustion as
they each replicate 10,000 Antibodies per second that are
specific to the infective virus, which in this case is the Covid-19
5.) Being produced at 10,000 per second by millions of each of the
Plasma cells, the Antibodies, in trillions of numbers, eliminate
the Covid-19 virus from your body over a 2 week period of
6.) After the Antibodies have eliminated the Virus, there is still a
massive amount of Antibodies leftover in your blood stream, all
over your body, purposefully standing guard to attack and
eliminate any Covid-19 virus attempting to re-infect your body.
7. ) These leftover “on guard” Antibodies, specific to eliminating
the Covid-19 virus, are what is called your IMMUNITY, that is
specifically against Covid-19 virus.
8.) At the same time that you have eliminated all the Covid-19 virus
from your body, you will have no more Covid-19 virus to spread
to others, thus you will be Non-Contagious.
9.) The 2 qualifications you now have, because of your Antibodies
easily defeating the Covid-19 virus, that is you are now both
Immune and Non-Contagious, thus you now have Herd
This entire sequence is what is called the IMMUNE RESPONSE.
10.) When enough people have Herd Immunity, the Covid-19 virus
will not be able to survive, that is, that virus will not be able to
spread to others, or be able to multiply, and thus will pass from
the community you live in, albeit an island, state, country,
continent, or world.
It only scientifically stands to reason that we do not want to stop the spread of the virus, amongst the heathy people of any age, as has been the case in all prior years.
Instead we need to now allow the Covid-19 virus, and its naturally mutated Variants (variants activate the same Immune Response)to run its course, infection and elimination.
Every person who tests positive, by the time 2 weeks has passed, they have become Immune against the Covid-19 virus, or any of the Variants, and they are Non-Contagious, and they are Herd Immune.
We must not artificially stop this infection process among the majority of people of our community.
However, the people susceptible to severe outcomes from the Virus, need protection like extra services so they do not need to go out to places like shopping or events with many people.
Who are the people susceptible to severe effects from the virus?
We know they are people who have multiple pre-existing end of life diseases and taking medications and end of life toxic, that can be lethal, prescription drugs, and taking those drugs for decades of years; and are now older people, it is these people statistics show require hospitalization and can be a fatality.
The end of life diseases are predominantly Obesity, Heart, Stroke diseases, Liver, Lung, and Kidney diseases, Cancers, Alzheimer’s.
These people need extra help, services, and attention, and should stay away from places with many other sick people, like hospitals and pharmacies. They should be provided at home medical services and at home delivery, until the Pandemic passes.
Mask wearing by anyone appears to be of no help as spread continues, and reduces oxygen intake, and over time causes several ill effects like accelerated organ degeneration, called Hypoxia.
Just scientific facts that should be adhered to.
People with positive tests should avoid others until they have undergone the 2 week Immune Response. Most of these people will have undergone the 2 week Immune Response symptom free prior to their obvious unnecessary testing.
Besides unnecessary testing of positive people scares the uneducated as to the Immune System.
Why don’t they report how many that test Negative?
From KITV News:
“We have many more people vaccinated, and on Kauai with this recent surge, we know a lot about where, where and how the virus is being transmitted, and how it’s not. So I’ve been working with the mayor, my team has been working with the mayor’s team” on updating the Tier restrictions,” said Department of Health District Officer Dr. Janet Berreman.
Dr. Berreman says of the 73 active cases on the island — 60 were not vaccinated. The current clusters have been linked to restaurants and events and nearly 400 people are in quarantine. She remains optimistic.
How many vaccinated people are testing positive?
Have all those months of isolation created some form of complacency on the island? 98% of these cases are community driven. What percentage of residents on Kauai have been vaccinated?
Concerned why scientific comments, contra to the unscientific status quo comments, are not being allowed as comments?