With the opening of the island to visitors in April, Kaua‘i needs to remain vigilant against the novel coronavirus, said Art Umezu of Music of Kaua‘i.
The message is not new, being echoed by a lot of people, from President Joe Biden (see related story, A3) to Lt. Gov. Josh Green, and is not limited to visitors, but for everyone.
“We need to address the importance of wearing masks, washing hands and social-distancing to keep Kaua‘i safe and healthy,” Umezu said. “This is a global message.”
Jeffrey Callejo, instructor of the Kaua‘i Country Line Dancing Group, saw the message and choreographed a dance to “Everybody Wear A Mask,” a number written by Umezu and performed by Daphne Sanchez on the “We Are One World” music CD that was released in December 2020 and dedicated to front-line health workers and first responders.
Callejo, anticipating the world line dance competition in Las Vegas in November, took the message to four teen members at the Aloha Dance Studio, who joined the group in sending the message.
“I wrote the lyrics about a year ago,” Umezu said. “I got Daphne to perform it for the music CD, and now, Jeffrey choreographed the piece into a dance. I’m getting old, so I want to give the younger generation an opportunity to work on global projects with the global-message song, ‘Everybody Wear A Mask.’”
Kaua‘i High School sophomore Kate Mie Nakamura, working on the original “We Are One World” music CD as part of the KAVE KREW, picked up the camera as the lead videographer for the filming at the Kaua‘i Bowl in Lihu‘e and Kilohana Plantation in Puhi.
Ryland Balbin of Hanama‘ulu, also working on the KAVE KREW, is back home after earning a degree in studio photography from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Following that with digital-media studies in Los Angeles, he picked up the video duty when filming was done at the Aloha Dance Studio.
“He’s not going anywhere,” Umezu said of Balbin. “He’s home. He was just certified by Ho‘ike Community Television, so that’s where we got the first copies going to.”
Umezu anticipates the music video to be ready by Monday, April 5, the date when Kaua‘i will rejoin the state’s Safe Travel program for incoming trans-Pacific travelers.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.
Not thinking for yourself is a vary dangerous thing and when entertainment goes to a point to in becoming a PR campaign….
Is this still a law? Or did they do away with it. The best way to see if people are still wearing their face mask is by checking to see if they still have this as a law or ordinance. If so, then it is still in place to wear a face mask while in public gatherings. Such as a store.
Yes, we still do have a mask mandate.
Even in public groups, masks are only “required” if you cannot maintain distance. And now it’s 3 feet, so this whole thing is moot.
pathetic that these face diapers are getting so much glory
How’s the weather under your bridge today?
What do you mean glory? I didn’t see the video. Isn’t any good? Did they give out any names? I never heard of them. Besides all of this, are they part of a legit club that gives recognition?
Next video to be called, bow down and worship only Government authority. Followed by line up and proceed into the camp behind the wire.
Mark, kinda reaching on this one chicken little. Seems you love to instill fear. Also can you clarify with facts the basis for your presumption?
yah I know, its sooooo hard to wear a mask!
You pretty much have it just as bad as the Jews in Nazi germany. I’m sure they would be very sympathetic to you. People who think you are being a drama queen just don’t know the struggle of putting on a mask…..
Followed by… If you don’t like it, don’t come to Hawaii.
Really sad … next you will want us all to get chips so you can track us.
Satan in working big time … this needs to stop.
You are making 666 easier for those who choose to follow.
As for me and my family … we will serve the Lord.
Yeah cuz the gov can’t track you already ron. Do you use a cell phone? Drive a newer car? Use your debt/credit card? Yeah the gov has access to that info braddah. Keep reaching tho. God bless.
The only people who call masks face diapers are people who poop out their mouth.
I eat a donut a day to protect YOU, and you eat a donut a day to protect ME right? Covidiots showing their covid masters just how easily they will be culled.
I am thinking these negative comments are most likely people reading our TGI from the mainland…. hard to believe those are people commenting from Kauai.
Nope. Lots of locals are fed up now and think it’s stupid.
How are the lyrics coming along for the socialist anthem to our supreme leader Biden and camela? Make sure to change the words a little, so it’s not a blatant copy of North Korea and chinas.
Baaa baaaa says the sheep🐏🐑
So many whiney red hatters!
So thankful to live here on Kauai where people are concerned about each other and wear a mask to protect Kauai during this time of risk for a serious infection.
To the non-science Anti-maskers: Thank God for this group trying to get a message out to keep the most beautiful part of the United States safe. Sorry you don’t believe in Science – but don’t worry, diseases still believe in you! I’m aware most of you complaining on this nice piece don’t choose to protect others by wearing a mask, but I’m sure you claim to “protect my family – gotta have my concealed carry!” as if it would do any good against viruses. When you get done bashing caring people, look at Japan – hardly any deaths from Covid 19 all year – maybe it’s because they all wear masks. Mahalo to you caring enough to spread the good news message about keeping others safe – even the anti-Science people who made comments above. Aloha!
M2, actually LOTS of science says otherwise.
M2, also using Japan isn’t a very good example. They were wearing masks before, and still got it. Many people who used masks got it. People in Hospitals covered head to toe in PPE got it.
George and Mark Thompson, got some swamp land in Florida I want to sell you, make you a killer deal. Don’t worry just trust me the way you trust your wonderful government. You’ll love it.
Mark, reading comprehension not your strong suit. Nothing but fear and wisecracks, nothing of substance.
I would recommend you up your game but you appear to have no game.
Last I checked, CDC said 3 feet do this is outdated!