CRITTER: Meet moano the manybar goat-fish

Terry Lilley / Special to The Garden Island

Moano is the manybar goat-fish. Moano has two barbels under its chin, and these soft, whisker-like appendages can detect small shrimp and crabs that live under the sand or are hiding in small cracks in the reef.

This beautiful, foot-long goat-fish has many different colors, and changes color depending on whether it is in a cave or out in the direct sunlight. Often divers think it is two different kinds of goat-fish. When moano is feeding out on the sandy sea floor it turns a drab gry color with white bands, but as soon as it moves into a cave it turns bright purple, red and white. They are their most beautiful colors when they sleep at night on the sea floor, as they are quite stunning to look at up close in the bright dive lights.