Kaua‘i’s food banks get help from the community

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Socially-distanced, the Waimea High School Class of 2021 officers, including class president Braelyn Cayaban, class treasurer Vito Altomare, Class KDSC Rep. Larissa Kobayashi, Food Drive Coordinator Kylan Constantino, event coordinators Ashlyn Agena and Cailin Pasion, and the class advisor Heather Kidd turn over more than 90 pounds of food to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank, represented by Rizalde Tolentino, Feifei Gao, and Leona Perez, Monday morning.

LIHU‘E — The Waimea High School Class of 2021 dropped off more than 90 pounds of food collected during the class’ Senior Drive-In Movie Night to the Kaua‘i Independent Food Bank Monday morning.