Meet pu‘oni‘oni‘o the Partridge Tun Shell

Terry Lilley / Contributed photo

Pu‘oni‘oni‘o the Partridge Tun Shell

Terry Lilley / Contributed photo

Pu‘oni‘oni‘o the Partridge Tun Shell

The partridge tun is a very-unusual, giant Hawaiian marine snail that grows to 12 inches wide. What makes this colorful, golden-brown-and-tan snail unique is that it can’t pull into its shell like almost all other snails on earth. Its fleshy foot is three times larger than its thin, ribbed shell, so to protect itself in the day it fully buries in the sand so it can’t be easily found. Most all other marine shells like the cowry shell or cone shell can retract their soft bodies into their shell for protection so it does not get easily eaten by he‘e the octopus or other predators.