KAPA‘A — Honor beads from the American Federation for Suicide Prevention are used to demonstrate that people are not alone, said Kaylynn Drake, the founder and CEO of KekuaAloha — God is Love — Foundation.
“Everyone is affected by suicide, and each color honor bead is specific to the different ways,” Drake said.
Losing someone to suicide or struggling with a mental illness can feel like no one understands what you are going through, states the AFSP website. Each color honor bead demonstrates the personal connection to the cause and helps identify others who understand.
White represents the loss of a child; orange, the loss of a sibling; green, a personal struggle or attempt; red, the loss of a spouse or partner; purple, the loss of a relative or friend; teal, supporting someone who struggles or has attempted; gold, the loss of a parent; silver, the loss of a first responder or military; and blue, supporting suicide prevention.
KekuaAloha Foundation is partnering with iSiva Fire Knife Crew and the Paniolo Santa Maria Style BBQ grill to host an Honor Bead Drive-Thru Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the back parking lot of restaurant off Kuhio Highway in Kapa‘a to spread awareness about suicide while helping promote local businesses and raising funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Paniolo will be selling pre-ordered, plate-lunch meals from an eight-selection variety from its menu with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention-Hawai‘i. Additionally, there will be a Change for Change bucket where patrons are asked to bring loose change and ashtray coins to drop into the bucket. These funds will also benefit the AFSP Hawai‘i Chapter.
Menu items include chili (regular or vegetarian) and rice, an assortment of sandwiches and chips, including country-style ribs, chicken breast, tri-tip steak, grilled ono, and salads including barbecue chicken breast, grilled ono and tri-tip steak.
Pre-orders can be placed by calling 431-1668 for pick up Saturday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.