Running with purpose

Photo courtesy of Jim Benkert

Kaua‘i’s Jim Benkert continues to push his physical limitations by running ultra-marathons that are 50-to-100-mile races. Above, Benkert powers through Resurrection Pass Ultra Race in Alaska.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island file

Kaua‘i runner Sally Cravens, left, approaches the finish line during a previous Kaua‘i Marathon.

Courtesy of Sally Cravens

Kaua‘i runner Sally Cravens crosses the finish line at the Skagit Flats Marathon and Half Marathon in 2018. Cravens will be one of the contestants to compete in the 2020 Kaua‘i virtual marathon Sept. 1 to 6.

Kaua‘i runner-power walker Sally Cravens remained undaunted by the psychological distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.