Council Bill 2767 is a tragic lose-lose

The challenge of the visitor industry overwhelming neighborhoods has had much policy focus in the last twelve years regarding vacation rentals. Bill 2767 being discussed at council on Wednesday 1/22/20 is targeting the remaining 218 residential properties suspected of sharing a portion of their property as a vacation rental. My hope is this bill can be set aside until a more thorough investigation can occur of what will be the consequences to these families being effected. When a clinical look at the policy is made, it may make sense to charge all visitor accommodation at the same rate. Policy is important, but as a council member I work hard to take a deeper look at the impact on the people. I had the Real Property Tax department send me the list of the the properties, and I have endeavored to call as many of them as I can find contact information. So far, I have contacted a little over 50 households, only two of which were aware of the bill.