Easier access to books at Kapaa Public Library

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Helen Meade, Florence Toyofuku, Lani Kawahara, Doug Wilmor, Isobel Storch and Sophie Cornell look over the new book exchange that was ready for the public, Friday fronting the Kapaa Public Library.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Florence Toyofuku, right, is busy with her journal, Friday as Doug Wilmor explains some of the features of the book exchange and Isobel Storch looks over titles to place in the new structure fronting the Kapaa Public Library.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Isobel Storch of the Friends of the Kapaa Public Library gets help from her granddaughter Florence Toyofuku in stocking the new book exchange, Friday as Doug Wilmor arrives with more titles in front of the Kapaa Public Library.

KAPAA — There was a lot going on Friday morning for Florence Toyofuku, a “farm school student,” to write about in her journal at the Kapaa Public Library.