‘There wasn’t a dry eye’

Cyndi Ayonon / Special to The Garden Island

Rowena Cobb and Paul Togioka beam at the Kauai Independent Food Bank Silver Birthday Bash Friday at the Kauai Veterans Center in Lihue.

Cyndi Ayonon / Special to The Garden Island

Kadee Parubrub, center, presents a $3,700 “Act of Kindness” check to Leona Perez and Kelvin Moniz of the Kauai Independent Food Bank Friday during KIFB’s Silver Birthday Bash at the Kauai Veterans Center in Lihue.

There was not a dry eye among the more than 300 people who attended the Kauai Independent Food Bank’s 25th anniversary Silver Birthday Bash Friday at Kauai Veterans Center last Friday, said Cyndi Ayonon, a Zonta Club of Kauai volunteer at the celebration.