Even people from Boston can talk Pidgin, said Camille Pakchong of Rainbow Roots (those assorted radishes sure looked appealing) at the GoFarm Hawaii tent that made a one-day-only appearance in the space normally occupied by the Master Gardeners at the Kauai Community Market at Kauai Community College in Puhi Saturday.
Even people from Boston can talk Pidgin, said Camille Pakchong of Rainbow Roots (those assorted radishes sure looked appealing) at the GoFarm Hawaii tent that made a one-day-only appearance in the space normally occupied by the Master Gardeners at the Kauai Community Market at Kauai Community College in Puhi Saturday.
Sylvia Lessa is from Boston (Camille said no accent, either) and Camille said “If you get Pakchong (Camille) in the ‘Wong (Alex Wong)’ room, you no going get ‘Lessa (Sylvia)’ extra ‘i (Cindy Teixeira).’”
That was only part of the Saturday fun, as Andy Bestwick made sure Rudy the Wilcox Health chief canine officer was on hand at the Gather Federal Credit Union Charity Golf Tournament (kudos to Tess Shimabukuro — nice to talk football with Coach Trent Shimabukuro — and the Gather FCU ohana on a great tournament!) that enjoyed some natural blessing before the Jack Harter Helicopter dropped its load of 1,200 golf balls (congrats to Danny Rego for being the closest in the red hole!) and Fran Roach (mahalo for the new headwear!) of Puakea Golf Course made arrangements for the winners of the autographed footballs from the Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce Foundation tournament to pick up their winnings.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.