HAGATNA, Guam — Tropical Storm Maria produced high winds as it approached Guam, downing trees and cutting power across the island Thursday morning.
HAGATNA, Guam — Tropical Storm Maria produced high winds as it approached Guam, downing trees and cutting power across the island Thursday morning.
The Pacific Daily News reports Guam Power Authority crews restored electricity to about 84 percent of the Island by Thursday night, but outages remained in some pockets Friday.
The storm left fallen trees and scattered debris in its wake. The center moved to about 100 miles (160 kilometers) northwest of the island by Thursday afternoon. The storm intensified and reached typhoon status as it continued away from Guam.
According to the National Weather Service, several storm-related advisories remained in effect Friday. Winds up to 29 mph (47 kph) and seas of 10 feet (3 meters) or more were expected to continue through Saturday.
Guam is another corrupt infested island government similar to Porto Rico and the reason why its power grid cannot with stand even a tropical storm. Even after $billions poured into PR, it’s power grid will fail when this storm becomes a hurricane and hits that island again. We taxpayers should not spend another penny on PR, a corrupt island government until the FBI arrests all those corrupt, greedy and crooked officials and politicians who should be in jail and not siphoning off valuable American dollars going into their pockets!