Abbas says UN should replace US as Mideast mediator

AP Photo/Emrah Gurel

Protesters wearing masks with Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock Mosque, participate in a rally against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem at the capital of Israel, near the venue of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s Extraordinary Summit in Istanbul, Wednesday.

AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, centre, flanked by Jordan’s King Abdullah II, left and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, right, gestures following a photo-op prior to the opening session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Extraordinary Summit in Istanbul, Wednesday.

ISTANBUL — Breaking with years of courting the U.S., Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Wednesday for the United Nations to replace Washington as a Mideast mediator and suggested he might not cooperate with the Trump administration’s much-anticipated effort to hammer out an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.