KOLOA — Water department crews worked into the wee hours Monday morning to fix a water main that broke in Koloa Sunday afternoon.
KOLOA — Water department crews worked into the wee hours Monday morning to fix a water main that broke in Koloa Sunday afternoon.
The break left residents and visitors alike without water for most of the afternoon and evening, while water from the break flowed into the ocean.
Chip Bahouth, general manager of the Sheraton Kauai Resort, said the break caused a 10-foot by 15-foot sink hole. No one was injured during the incident, but one person did fall into the hole.
By 2 a.m., the break was closed off with a cap, Bahouth said. They initially brought in a backhoe to help, but because some of the boulders were so large, they needed additional excavation equipment.
“It was quite an operation,” Bahouth said. “My hats off to the water department for doing such a great job.”
None of the water had anything to do with sewage, according to Bahouth, who said it was brown in color by the time it reached the ocean because it had run through from where the pipes had burst, picking up dirt and debris along the way.
By press time Monday, no one could be reached from the Department of Water for comment.