• Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from “The Shadow” radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better
• Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from “The Shadow” radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
There is no parking available at Kapaa Beach Park for those with disabilities pursuant to the (federal) American Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, the safety mat is falling apart and there are large potholes in the parking lot. What are the plans to improve the parking lot and repair these items?
There are two designated ADA parking stalls in this parking lot. The county Department of Parks and Recreation has plans to resurface this parking lot in the near future.
When will the basketball court be resurfaced at Kalawai Park? There are a lot of cracks which make it very dangerous for the park users.
This project will be going out to bid this fall, with work anticipated to begin in the spring of 2018.
There is a pothole located on Makaio Road that needs to be repaired. Please provide a timeline of when this can be completed.
A work order to repair a pothole on Makaio Road was initiated on June 20 and completed.
Jerome Freitas can be reached at theshadow96751@gmail.com or 635-3528. Visit his website at http://theshadow96746.tripod.com.