• Junk science fuels fear mongers • Reckoning for Republican Party Junk science fuels fear mongers Gary Benoit and Lois Benson are campaigning against a new cell phone tower to be placed in Princeville. I do not believe for a second it
• Junk science fuels fear mongers • Reckoning for Republican Party
Junk science fuels fear mongers
Gary Benoit and Lois Benson are campaigning against a new cell phone tower to be placed in Princeville. I do not believe for a second it is because of health issues as they claim. Do they own and use cell phones? Do they have a microwave? Do they have a laptop computer? How about a TV; a radio? Do they drive a car? Is there electricity in their home?
All of this generates Electro-Magnetic waves — those “frequencies” that “are killing you.” Do they fly in airplanes? The background radiation at 35,000-feet is much higher than it is at sea level. I watched the first 20 minutes of “Resonance” although I knew it to be junk after only 5. It is the same kind of junk science that makes it so difficult to talk about real GMO/pesticide issues. There is “just enough truth” that when fear-mongers hear “yes, but…” they pounce on the “yes” and ignore the “but,” polluting the discussion.
Yes, it is true that radiation (EM waves, radio waves, cell phone frequencies, light! — all the same thing) can affect your health if you are exposed to excessive amounts. There is no evidence that Kauai is being exposed to “excessive amounts” of radiation. (Well, maybe if you work at PMRF — it’s probably true that EM waves are in greater concentration there. But, what about the VORTAC south of Kalaheo? The Microwave Relay at Kukuiolono? The Wx radar? Help, I’m melting!)
Let us, please, not repeat the ‘fraidy cat tactics of the anti-smart meter campaign.
John Zwiebel, Kalaheo
Reckoning for Republican Party
Please, I beg you. I plead. We are in very serious trouble.
A moment of reckoning for the Republican Party. It’s incumbent on its leadership to account for the failures and betrayals that led to this and find a better way to address them than demagogy.
Republicans haven’t begun to grapple with this. Instead they’re falling into line.
Republican leaders have failed to think about anything beyond winning the election. Year after year, their candidates promised help for middle-class people who lost homes, jobs and savings to recession, who lost limbs and well-being to war, and then did next to nothing. That Trump was able to enthrall by promising to “Make America Great Again” — but offering xenophobic, isolationist or fantastical ideas — is testimony to how they reject the politicians who betrayed them.
Bettejo Dux, Kalaheo