HANAKAPI’AI – A female adult and child were rescued from Hanakapi’ai Wednesday following two separate medical calls, according to county officials. The first incident occurred at around 1:30 p.m. when an 11-year-old female reportedly fell and hit her head along
HANAKAPI’AI – A female adult and child were rescued from Hanakapi’ai Wednesday following two separate medical calls, according to county officials.
The first incident occurred at around 1:30 p.m. when an 11-year-old female reportedly fell and hit her head along the Kalalau Trail. Rescue 3 personnel aboard Air 1 flew into the area and located the patient and her mother near the Hanakapi’ai landing zone.
The child reported symptoms that indicated a possible concussion, including blurred vision, nausea and a headache. The girl and her mother were flown to the Princeville Airport by about 2 p.m. where awaiting medics transported her to Wilcox Hospital for treatment.
At around 4:30 p.m., firefighters were asked to assist an injured hiker at Hanakapi’ai Beach. Rescue 3 personnel aboard Air 1 flew into the area and located the 36-year-old female. They walked the woman to the nearby landing zone and transported her back to the Ke’e trailhead by 5:30 p.m.
The woman was assisted to her vehicle but refused further medical treatment.