Kudos to Sandy Poenhelt and her crew at The Right Slice for being featured on the UPS Store (Kukui Grove) video. The video led to being featured on the business pages of the New York Times (Sept. 20 issue) and
Kudos to Sandy Poenhelt and her crew at The Right Slice for being featured on the UPS Store (Kukui Grove) video. The video led to being featured on the business pages of the New York Times (Sept. 20 issue) and a full-page spread in this month’s issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine.
With that kind of exposure it’s no wonder her pies sell out (Ada Koene had two slices of Classic Apple!) at the Community Culinary Market at The Shops at Kukui‘ula.
Helen Laconas had help so she could check out the tortilla (taro, no less) demonstration and Melissa McFerrin was heading up for some Seafood Gumbo.
Daphne McClure (she said her house was featured in TGI’s ‘Iniki special section) was able to take in Michael Ratcliffe and the Seniors’ Law Day before opening shop at The Shops at Kukui‘ula.
Stacy Chiba and Aletha Thomas (she said she had a blast at the Honolulu trade show — 14 jam-makers!) of Monkeypod Jam were talking about 350 of what? for Stacy’s wedding coming up real soon.
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@ thegardenisland.com. Visit www.thegardenisland.com to see today’s Happy Camper featured photo.