LIHU‘E — Thirteen visitors from Tokyo, Japan, took part in a unique exchange on Friday at the Lihu‘e Neighborhood Center. The group, led by music producer Toshihiko Harasawa, met with the Lihu‘e Senior ‘Ukulele Band for an exchange of music
LIHU‘E — Thirteen visitors from Tokyo, Japan, took part in a unique exchange on Friday at the Lihu‘e Neighborhood Center.
The group, led by music producer Toshihiko Harasawa, met with the Lihu‘e Senior ‘Ukulele Band for an exchange of music for instruments.
Led by Herman Paleka, Marilyn Matsumoto and Beverly Muraoka of the Lihu‘e group and Harasawa of the visiting Japanese, the neighborhood center was filled with the mellow sounds of familiar Hawaiian and Japanese tunes mixed in with some boogie woogie and sambas.
But an exchange is not complete without the hosting Kauaians throwing in some hula, lei making, and other local customs to spice up the morning.
Art Umezu of the Kaua‘i Film Commission said Harasawa is a music producer in Japan. This is the second group in three years he has brought to Kaua‘i, the first group also meeting with the Lihu‘e ‘ukulele group and going home with raves about the experience.
Harasawa heads up several groups of ‘ukulele enthusiasts in Japan, Umezu said. Harasawa also has connections with the Spa Hawaiian resort in Japan where he is a leader in coordinating the Hawaiian music used for the hula performances and the hula museum.
Umezu said Harasawa’s wife is one of the leading country western female vocalists in Japan and Harasawa’s daughter is also a recording artist.
The Japanese, putting one of their contributions on the table, prompted Matsumoto to exchange her ‘ukulele for a harmonica as she accompanied the group on the Japanese number.
In addition to ‘ukulele, the Japanese also featured a steel guitar player that served to bring back the nostalgic feel to the Hawaiian music. The Lihu‘e group supplemented the overall effect by providing an electric bass player.
Umezu said this unique exchange was the primary focus of the visiting Japanese.
The group leaves today and is staying at the Aloha Beach Resort while here.