Joy is that feeling that arises from your mysterious core when you are witnessing a colorful sunset, a bright rainbow or a garden of flowers. In balanced handwriting, letters made with care are like flowers to admire. They represent
Joy is that feeling that arises from your mysterious core when you
are witnessing a colorful sunset, a bright rainbow or a garden of flowers. In balanced handwriting, letters made with care are like flowers to admire. They represent a creation that comes from the warmth of the heart. In reality, the archetypal nature of each alphabet letter is colorful and has its own sound quality. They are unique flowers in their own original geometric form.
The English letter Ss influences you to grace your life with joy. It reminds you that this quality boosts your immune system, cellular functions and vitality. The letter Ss also assures you that peace, wholeness and prosperity flourish when joy is your spirit.
This spirited letter prompts you to pursue work and activities that help you feel joyous. When you are deeply joyous, everyone benefits for your spirit is uplifting and nurturing. The letter Ss is a balancing letter. It reminds you to harmonize your triad nature expressed as empowered will, wisdom, and an active intelligence. These three aspects are the attributes of your core self.
The letter Ss encourages the spirit of joy to permeate family life, work environments and healing centers. Its influence extends to all forms of education, reminding participants that learning, teaching and sharing are rewarding when they come from a joyous nature.
Handwriting reminder: the design of the letter Ss appears as a printed Ss. The one difference in cursive writing is that you complete the fluid, balancing movement of the letter by ending to the right. Preferably use the same style for both large and small letter Ss. The fluid, balanced and artful movement of this letter supports your inner and outer well-being. The potential for gracing your life with joy is in your hand.
• Angeline Welk of Princeville is a professional handwriting analyst. She writes this regular column for The Garden Island and maintains a website at She can be reached at