The basic foundation for education, prior to keyboarding, was defined in the context of the three R’s, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. The understanding of the three R’s as primary to education is a fading concept. Is there another perception of
The basic foundation for education, prior to keyboarding, was defined in the context of the three R’s, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. The understanding of the three R’s as primary to education is a fading concept. Is
there another perception of the three R’s that can affect and build education on a profound and enduring foundation? Ancient wisdom teaches that numbers, letters and words, in their archetypal nature, serve as principles and blueprints for all life and its ongoing evolution. They contain the wisdom and guidance, when followed, for the full awakening of the mind.
The English letter Rr relates to creativity. Through the help of this letter your intuition is advanced and your sense of discernment is heightened. The spirit of this letter prompts you to be open and receptive to inspirations regarding the meaning of your life experiences. It encourages you to use your creative potential to change any attitudes or desires that would keep you from enjoying a balanced and prosperous life.
The enlightening letter Rr teaches you about healing and compassion. It reminds you to activate your healing powers by focusing on wholeness. In directing your attention to well-being, you assist in restoring the harmonious rhythm and equilibrium of your body.
Handwriting reminder: the small letter r relates to your ability to use your hands skillfully and/or artfully. The style r you choose in writing indicates your unique skill or creative expression. Shaping your r with attention enhances your hand service, whether for building, healing, or creative purposes. Beneficial and creative power is in your hand and handwriting.
• Angeline Welk of Princeville is a professional handwriting analyst. She writes this regular column for The Garden Island and maintains a website at She can be reached at